Friday, February 9, 2007


When I came down to school at ABAC I was always bored and had nothing to do. Then a couple of my buddies called me up one day and asked me if I wanted to play some poker, I love playing cards so I said sure, why not? I went to the guys house expecting to play some five card draw or something but they told me we were going to be playing some Texas Hold 'Em. I had only heard of the game on telivision and stuff so was kind of unsure as to what to expect. When I figured out how the game went I was ready to play. It only took me a couple of hands to figure out exactly how to play. I already knew how to play poker just not Texas Hold 'Em. So I knew how to bet and all that good stuff. Any how when we started they told me that it was going to cost ten dollars to buy in and there was twenty-one people. So needless to say I was a little intimidated by my competition. Well after we began to play I caught on to other peoples style pretty quick and after about an hour I was chip leader at my table, we had three tables. After a couple people went out we combined and made two tables we played like this for a long time until there was only ten people left. When it came down to the final ten we all combined into one table. Coming into the final table there was about seven people ahead of me who had a bigger chip count. However after about five hands I tripled my stack and put somebody else out. I was pretty excited by now. After about another hour we were down to only four people and I was in the final four. I was in second place with my chip stack but I quickly put somebody else out to move into first. Not long after that I put another dude out to make it one on one with only me and another guy left. We only played for about another ten minutes and I won my first real college poker game. I left the guys house with a hundred and thirty dollars, when I walked in with only ten. Now alot of times when I dont have nothing to do we round up some friends and play a poker game. We still play the big game every Monday night but through the week we play little games. Every Wednesday night we play a twenty dollar game at my work with about seven people. I have won alot of money playing poker and I have lost alot of money playing poker but I enjoy it. As long as I continue to enjoy the game I am going to continue playing because it is something to do at ABAC when there is nothing else to do.