Saturday, January 27, 2007

Too Fast

At the beginning of last month my girlfriend got sick and I had to take her to Tift Regional. She had to stay there for three days and got released on a Saturday at two o'clock. When she was released I called my parents and they told me we should come home and visit my cousin. My cousin was in town from Japan so I wanted to see her, however I did not want to drive for four hours and have to leave the following day. My parents talked me into coming home so we packed our dirty cloths and me and my girlfrioend headed to the house around three thirty. My girlfriend was still sick so I had to drive the whole way, which is something that I hate doing. For the first couple of hours during the trip it was daylight and there were vehicles on the road. However after I went through Dublin it got dark and I was on a back road with no vehicles around, so I decided I was going to speed up and get home a little faster. So we were in Johnson County and I was cruizing about ninety miles per hour in my girlfriends little Neon. I was good until I went over a hill and started going down it, when I reached the bottom of the hill and started to go up the next one I seen him sitting on the side of the road. A Johnson County officer was sitting on the side of the road and quickly flipped his lights on. When I pulled over the young officer walked to the window and told me he clocked me in at ninety-four. I quickly asked him if he was going to gine me a ticket and of course the man said yes. Then I asked him if he was going to say that I was going ninety-four in a fifty-five and of course he said yes. I appologized repeatedly and asked him if he could please reduce it but he still told me no. Then he said I was lucky he was not taking my license and taking me to jail. Then he told me he was going back to the car to write my ticket, he was taking forever and I could not figure out what he was doing. Then after over twenty minutes he came back to the window and asked me if I could walk back to his car with him. When I got back there he showed me that he was giving me three tickets. He was giving me a speeding ticket, a reckless driving ticket, and a too fast for conditions ticket. He told me to sign all three and my court date was January tenth 2007. So I took the tickets and was on my way home again. When I got the chance I called the courthouse and got a continuance until February fourteenth 2007. Then I asked how much the tickets were going to cost and they told me 800 for the speeding ticket, 300 for the reckless driving ticket and 173 for the too fast for conditions ticket. Now I work at Tokyo five days a week as a bus boy trying to raise up 1400 dollars to pay off my tickets, all because I was going TOO FAST.