Saturday, January 20, 2007


I started playing baseball in 1994 for the Musketeers. I was born in 1988, so I have been playing for thirteen years, and since I was six years old. I must say that playing baseball is the thing I have enjoyed most in my life. I came down to ABAC to play baseball for the stallions, but unfortuinately things didnt go so well. In my senior year of high school, I broke my ankle and could not play for the rest of the season. My senior year was the best season I had in high school. Unfortunately I only played six games and in the seventh game against one of our rivals, Greenbrier, I broke my ankle going back on a pop-fly at third base. In the first six games of that season I batted for a four-hundred batting average. I had two home-runs, doubling my amount in previous years. I was so excited about what the future had in store for me and potentially getting a scholarship to a junior college. Then against Greenbrier I went down in the blink of an eye. I felt like all my hopes and dreams had been shattered, and after tryouts at ABAC I still feel like I may never play baseball again. This is the one thing that scares me the most in life. I know that I should not let something like this get me down in life but I have always dreamed of playing college ball. When I came down to ABAC I thought that I would make the baseball team because I know my talent level and I knew how well the Stallions baseball team was. Unfortunately I did not make the baseball team, however after tryouts were over I knew my name was not going to be on the list of players that made the baseball team. I was not physically ready to play college baseball. I did not go through physical therapy after breaking my ankle. It had only been two and a half months since the doctor said I could walk freely on my ankle again. I felt that I would be just as good in baseball as I was before I got hurt. Boy was I wrong, don't get me wrong I did try to prepare myself for the upcoming college season but I had no idea what was in store for me. I have a couple of years hopefully to spend at ABAC and maybe I can make the team in that time. I personally believe that I have the talent to make the team I just hope that coach sees what I see in myself next season when I try out for the ABAC Stallions baseball team. If I don't make the team next year I will continue trying until I finish school or until I make the team, which ever comes first. Baseball is my lifetime dream and I hope that I will become a college baseball player and it is everything that I had always hoped it would be.