Saturday, February 24, 2007

My Week

This past week has been a pretty good week for me. Starting on Sunday I did not have to work so I went down to Valdosta and spent the day with my girlfriend. Monday I went to all my classes for the first time in a while. I found out that I can only miss one more day in my badminton class but my weightlifting coach said that I only have two absences when I know for sure I have missed over five days. At five 0' clock on Monday we had a bowling match because me and my buddies are in a league. We were in fifth place playing the first place team. The team we were playing had two great bowlers who bowled a 254 and a 264 last week. My high score was a 213 so I thought that team might kill us. However we one two out of the three games we bowled against them and went six and two against them. The team that was tied with them in first place went zero and eight losing all of their games. So I was pretty excited about that whole thing. We played poker Monday night but I lost pretty early anyhow that was o.k because it was pretty fun. Then Tuesday was just a normal day it was pretty good but nothing special. On Wednesday my classes went by good my computer teacher let me turn in some of my work late. At five o' clock we went bowling again and we played against a sorry team but their handicap was so high they one two of the games so we split with them going four for four. Which was not exactly to bad. Thursday we had a scrimmage softball game against a team with a lot of the guys we play poker with. We only got to play for an hour and we lost but it was good for me because my hitting an fielding both came around and I did good in the game. I had to work at six and that was not bad at all because we was not busy at all. After work we played poker at work and I won ten dollars. Saturday night I rode out to my buddies house who was having a party me and my roomate shot pool all night and watched everybody else get drunk. Friday rolled around and I slept in missing all my classes. When I woke up me and my roomate went to my buddies house and played pool and threw darts. I went to work around five it was kind of a long night because we were so busy but it was not to bad because I kept telling myself that this would be my last friday at work. We made seven dollars in tips which was pretty good for our normal earnings. I went home ate and played some poker with my roomates. Now I just Woke up on Saturday it is a little after three and I am going to work at five it will be my last day.

Friday, February 9, 2007


When I came down to school at ABAC I was always bored and had nothing to do. Then a couple of my buddies called me up one day and asked me if I wanted to play some poker, I love playing cards so I said sure, why not? I went to the guys house expecting to play some five card draw or something but they told me we were going to be playing some Texas Hold 'Em. I had only heard of the game on telivision and stuff so was kind of unsure as to what to expect. When I figured out how the game went I was ready to play. It only took me a couple of hands to figure out exactly how to play. I already knew how to play poker just not Texas Hold 'Em. So I knew how to bet and all that good stuff. Any how when we started they told me that it was going to cost ten dollars to buy in and there was twenty-one people. So needless to say I was a little intimidated by my competition. Well after we began to play I caught on to other peoples style pretty quick and after about an hour I was chip leader at my table, we had three tables. After a couple people went out we combined and made two tables we played like this for a long time until there was only ten people left. When it came down to the final ten we all combined into one table. Coming into the final table there was about seven people ahead of me who had a bigger chip count. However after about five hands I tripled my stack and put somebody else out. I was pretty excited by now. After about another hour we were down to only four people and I was in the final four. I was in second place with my chip stack but I quickly put somebody else out to move into first. Not long after that I put another dude out to make it one on one with only me and another guy left. We only played for about another ten minutes and I won my first real college poker game. I left the guys house with a hundred and thirty dollars, when I walked in with only ten. Now alot of times when I dont have nothing to do we round up some friends and play a poker game. We still play the big game every Monday night but through the week we play little games. Every Wednesday night we play a twenty dollar game at my work with about seven people. I have won alot of money playing poker and I have lost alot of money playing poker but I enjoy it. As long as I continue to enjoy the game I am going to continue playing because it is something to do at ABAC when there is nothing else to do.